
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Family additions

As you can see above, we have two new additions to the house.

Jayne got two cats from the Harbor Humane Society a week or so ago. The plans to rescue the animals were in the works before my demotion, so we couldn't put the brakes on despite the added cost of the animals. If we didn't take them, they were most likely headed for death.

Names: Louie, the male, on the right; Missie, the female. They are siblings.

The dogs are adjusting, though Milo, our Lab, has been stalking Louie to the point of cornering him in the girls' room and just staring at him.

Bitter old man update

I'm still adjusting to my new work life. Technical problems remain because of incompatible computer systems, but we're working on them.

The promise of more time with my family is, as I noted to my supervisors, a fallacy. Sunday, for example: If I didn't need to interview a source in the afternoon, I would have taken my daughters swimming. I did not take them because of work. I put in about 55-60 hours a week now as I research, interview, attend meetings, take pictures and write. Come spring and summer, that will jump to at least 80 hours.

All that for a cut in pay of $13,000.

I really did waste 17 years of my professional life. I turned down PR options and moving to other newspapers because I believed I was a valuable addition and someone worth investing in for this company. Despite all the work, all the personal sacrifices, the struggles for quality and helping other staffers learn and better themselves, I really am just another old guy who has outlived his salary level and his usefulness.

And I'm bitter and full of self-pity, I know. Self-realization is always messy.

If only I was young like my boss wants. Instead of reading books, growing myself spiritually and raising a family, I should have been out partying, spending hours online on the top Web sites, worrying about my hair and clothes, going to the "right" churches.

Oh, my wasted youth.


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