
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

E-mail thanks

Thanks to those who sent along e-mails and advice that I should get a flash drive. Done. I just have to remember to use it.

Once I figure out the photo program we now have, I'll post some holiday pictures of the girls. We had a nice Christmas -- quiet, no one had to go to the hospital. Always a good thing.


The cloud hanging over the holiday has been the economy. I'm expecting to be down-sized soon.

Also, we've been dealing with some nasty weather, the literal clouds over the holiday.

It's been snowing for two weeks or so, so we had accumulated several feet of snow (and nowhere to put it at the end of the driveway). Then Wednesday we had freezing rain and ice (bad, bad drive home), Friday was rain and heavy fog (I couldn't see beyond the hood of the car and the roads were still packed with ice despite the rain) and today is heavy rain, fog and strong winds. We hit 55 degrees today, which melted the 2 feet of snow and flooded everything in sight (which was the only good thing about the fog -- I couldn't see far!). It will all freeze tomorrow, which means my car will be stuck to the pavement, which is OK, because the doors will be frozen shut so I couldn't go anywhere anyway anyhow.

I am all sunshine!


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