
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Growing up

Elspeth had her first sex ed class Friday. Her response was "gross."

Jayne and I borrowed the movies a few days ahead of time and watched them. Pretty tame. Lots of scientific talk that will go over the kids' heads. I was a bit disappointed that it dealt only with girls having feelings for boys. It should really address same-sex desires in the same way.

The main film had one gap, though. It talked about male and female reproductive organs then jumped right to fertilization of the egg. It mentioned that sperm "deposited" on the outside can make its way to the egg. It never said how the sperm gets in to begin with.

I asked one of my coworkers if his kids had a sex ed class, and said his son had one recently. I asked about this chronological gap and he said the class his son had also left out actual intercourse. So, he explained the actual act to his son. His son was duly grossed out after asking if "mom and dad" did this.

Thought: How things change!


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