
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Riding into the sunset

My bicycle column has been eliminated by my supervisor.

I was informed today that I am now to cover all the court activity in Allegan County because our police reporter has too many other things to do than worry about the courts. Also, it was not worth her time to drive to Allegan to cover cases. So, my time is worth less than the police reporter's time.

I like being treated like dirt. I have job, so I am grateful.

I told my supervisor that I couldn't do all the things being requested of me, so she said to eliminate the bicycle column.

So, after about seven years of writing, of building an audience and an identity at zero cost to the newspaper (remember, I am salaried and took my own photos and submitted no bills for this), another piece of my identity has been ripped away.

Here's good timing: Just tonight I was stopped by two people independent of each other. The first one said, "Hey. Aren't you the guy who writes the bicycle column for the paper?"

"Yes," I replied.

"I enjoy those. Keep it up."

Then later, a man I'd never met before but who knew my face and name from the column, called my by name and asked if I'd been riding yet. I was impressed because he was a local fire chief whom I had not met before.

It's a shame that all I have enjoyed about my work has been cut away from me, like I'm being forced to quit by being submitted to more and more indignity each day.

Thanks for reading. At least someone is listening.


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