
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Spring Break Survival

Day 1 if Freedom: We survived Spring Break. No one broke any bones and no one resorted to canibalism. The children are back in school today.

On Thursday, I took the day off of work to watch the girls while Jayne was at work and her mom out of town. I took them to the Allegan County Children's Museum just down the road and they had a blast. Then, they played outside for a few hours until a late dinner.

I never realized how daunting the Spring Break can be. The children have to entertained and educated (can't leave them in front of the TV all day), and the weather is iffy at best. Last week, we had rain, snow and high winds with unseasonably low temperatures. So much for playing outside. And who's got the money to take the kids all over town? If I could afford a week of Crazy Bounce, movie theaters and shopping, then Jayne wouldn't have to work and we'd travel somewhere.

Thought: At least no one got hurt.


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