Spring Break Diary
Day 4: Trapped in house with two children. Nothing to do, they say. Too much TV. Rain. Cold temperatures. Help!!!
Spring Break is under way and the kids are already driving me crazy. Finding things for them to do has stretched my imagination, almost snapped my patience and is about to break my wallet. Today, we're meeting my wife for lunch and will go to the Holland Community Aquatic Center. Every other parent in West Michigan will do the same thing on this cold, rainy day. It will be shoulder-to-shoulder in the water with a decibel level of a 747 on takeoff.
Yesterday we took the dogs to the dog park in Saugatuck, but it started to rain so we had to leave.
After dinner, we went for a walk, but it rained and the sudden cloud burst drenched us.
Only another six days to go. The weather forecast is for six days of rain.
Thought: Help!
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