
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Monday, November 05, 2007

At the playground

Above is a picture of the kids at Paradise Park, a playground in Fennville.

Alyssa calls it "the wooden playground," to differentiate it from the metal, ceramic, glass and stone playgrounds we so often frequent.

The kids and I walked down Sunday (the playground's only a few blocks away) to get out of the house and enjoy the nice day. They dubbed me a dragon and I chased them around until we were all tired -- for me, a few minutes!

What a great way to spend an afternoon!

Trial over

The Janet Chandler murder trial wrapped up last week, which means I'm back on a regular night schedule. This should help me shake the stress that's been overshadowing me through these nearly 70-hour weeks.

In the trial, the four defendants were found guilty. No surprise here. Ottawa County convicts on almost every case. I think a jury would have convicted Mother Theresa of solicitation, if given the chance.

I'm not saying I doubt the jury, but there was zero physical evidence in a crime committed more than 25 years ago. And the witnesses were a parade of sorry, inept, contradictory, unstable people who had been alcoholics or suffered from strokes, heard voices or just forgot things that suddenly came back to them with prodding from police. Hmmm.

I'd certainly have trouble with this one. I suppose that's why I don't live in Ottawa County.

Thought: Hooray Bills!


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