My mind's file cabinet
I used to tell a coworker that I had, in my mind, a file cabinet. In this file cabinet, I said, I kept folders loaded with all the things I just don't get, the things I don't understand.
Now, this file cabinet is huge, overloaded really, with papers, blueprints, news clippings, photos -- you name it.
I've jumped into the 21st century and have been converting the old paper folders into computer files in my mind. In this transition, here are a few minor things I've come across, the things I just don't get:
-- Watching radio on TV. Imus does this, sitting in his studio with his cowboy hat on, talking to people on the radio. He's live. Most of the people he talks to, though, are represented by still photographs as they talk on the radio. Same with ESPN's Mike & Mike in the Morning. Two obnoxious guys talking about sports on the radio, but ESPN shows it live on TV. See, here's the thing: Why would I watch radio? It's just people talking, and for that, I watch C-SPAN.
-- Football interviews: I was watching Monday Night Football last night, the Packers vs. Eagles. I want to watch the game. I expect the announcers to not be a hindrance to this. I expect them to brief me on what's going on as I watch, maybe toss out some key stats. So, why did the announcers last night feel the need to interview Steve McNair while Brett Favre was rolling out as the pocket collapsed on a blitz? McNair droned on in the typical football voice -- emotionless, almost Orwellian, really, in its banality -- while a great pass play is developing on the field. The announcers kept twaddling on with McNair. Why? I don't want an interview during the game. I want the game.
-- Baseball: There's a longer blog in this coming some day, but for now, I just don't understand this sport. I mean, I know the basic rules. I played Little League. I loved playing softball behind the firehall on Route 5 and Rogers Road. We'd get together with friends, play for beer and have a great time. But professional baseball? True, it's boring, but I like boring things. I watch curling and enjoy it. I watch four-hour bicycle rides, so I know boring. But my animosity toward this professional sport just grows every year, especially now during the endless playoffs. I don't know why.
-- Morning news shows: Oxymoron. There's no news on "Today" and "Good Morning America." It's useless pop psychology, superficial catharis by Ann Curry for some single mom who won an award for overcoming some disease that there's now a walk for on Saturday. I don't understand why I watch this!
Thought: I better just keep filing.
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