
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Nickled and dimed

The kids have gone back to school this week.

The first day was chaotic in the building -- finding lockers, greeting old friends and new classmates and figuring out Douglas Elementary's new parking lot design. But after all the rush, the girls are happy to be back.

I'm happy they have some more structure, but I'd forgotten how quiet the house is without them. I have a certain sad feeling that they're not here to play with ponies, draw pictures or walk to the post office with me, that they're growing up without me.

Worst of all, I now can go days without really seeing them. When the weather is nice, like it usually is through November, my wife's mother picks the girls up from school because I leave for work in the early afternoon. So, I only see them when they are sleeping when I come home and pause at their bedroom door. I may see them in the morning, but I'm pretty groggy at 6 a.m. after getting to bed at 2:30 or 3 a.m.. That's not quality time.

Alyssa's soccer season starts Saturday morning. Now, it's work until 1:30 a.m., get home, try to squeeze in some Zs, get up to make my lunch for work, zip to the soccer field, watch the game and high-tail it to work for 14 hours.

Are those violins playing? Oh, no. Just Elspeth practicing for her piano lessons.

More loose change

-- I'm also adjusting to life without our cat, Megan. We had her euthanized because of health problems, but after living with her for 18 years, I can't just forget some of the routines she had.

For example: Each morning my wife left for work, Megan would jump up on the bed and walk all over me. She just wanted me to know she was there and get petted. She'd settle down where my wife had slept and doze off as I petted her. Yes, this was every morning.

I found myself looking for her yesterday afternoon before I left for work. Old habits are hard to break.

-- My brother-in-law's father died earlier in the week. I remember him as a nice man who would come by the gas station where I worked in Rehoboth Beach, Del., to say hello before or after his fishing outtings.

-- I haven't been bike riding in about a week-and-a-half. I worked more than 60 hours last week with one day off, and will probably put in about the same hours this week (one of my people is on vacation). Yes, I'm salaried and tired. I'm getting pretty old to be doing these hours. I just don't have the energy to ride after four hours of sleep a night.

When I don't get on the bike, my body starts to rebel, ache and cramp up. My attitude deteriorates pretty quickly, too. Just ask my coworkers.

And OLN is not showing the bike race going on in Spain now. I've been following it online and it looks like it's been exciting. At least football starts soon.

-- All I'll say about work is that I'm happy to have a job that helps me pay the bills. That's existence, not happiness.

Thought: It could be worse. It could be raining. Or snowing!


At 10:11 PM, Blogger Roel said...

sorry about the cat, man. you know how i feel about my cats. they're part of our family. if we had a cat for 18 years and then had to euthanize one, i'd feel bad. i'd cry, i'm sure.

it's a shame because existence should mean happiness in every aspect or for the most part.

remember, and you of all people know this, karma baby. oh, it's a mean little thing. sometimes we see its effect and sometimes we don't. but it's more satisfying to see its work. people do get what they deserve in life, sooner or later anyway in some shape or form or manifestation.


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