
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Pirates of Allegan County

Just had to share the above picture.

The girls are playing pirates with their stuffed animals (Webkinz, to be exact). They are having a sea battle using the laundry baskets. They crumpled up paper, pretended they were cannon balls and threw them at the animals. The last animal hanging on was the winner.

Thus I spent my Sunday and had lots of fun. Yarr!

Fuji in repose

Also Sunday, I cleaned up my bicycle, wrapped it in its cover and hung it up in the garage for the season. A sad day. The temperatures are OK, but daylight is in short supply.

I've already started riding the exercise cycles at the Fennville community center. I want to be ready for a banner riding season come March -- I have plans. (Insert maniacal laughter here).

Thought: Insert bold pirate "Har, har" here as well.


At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm frightened by all the "har, har" talk and the cannon balls. I will read with PG eyes from here on out...

Hack reporter formerly employed by Sentinel (hey, wait a second, that doesn't narrow it down).

At 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooo, we wouldn't want to frighten anyone with images of violence, now! To the poor, sensitive anonymous commentor, all I can say is ...AVAST YE SCURVY DOG!! PREPARE TO BE BOARDED! HALF ME PLUNDER FOR HIS HEAD ON A PIKE! YAARRRR!

Pirate thought of the day, courtesy of Captain Jack Sparrow - "To what point and purpose?"


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