
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Oh, the humane-ity!

The kids have been on spring break, but I haven't seen much of them. I've been working a lot because we have one person on the desk on vacation and we're still working on our redesign of the paper.

I had the chance yesterday to take the girls to the Harbor Humane Society in Ottawa County before I went in to work. That's the photo above. Elspeth dropped off the money she collected at her birthday party. We asked people to bring donations for the animals instead of presents.

We got our chocolate Lab, Milo, from this humane society, so the girls were excited to see where Milo came from. They played with the cat that hangs out in the lobby, but were saddened a bit because they couldn't bring home any of the pets.

You can see in the photo that it was cold. Less than a week ago we were in the 60s-70s. On Wednesday, it was about 27 degrees (and we have snow all over today!).

Video game

As I pulled out of the humane society on Bagley Street off U.S. 31, I decided to see what was at the end of Bagley. It was a dirt road and I love exploring dirt roads.

As we bounced down the mud road, we watched as the wind knocked over a 30- to 40-foot tree on our left. It landed with a SMACK, eliciting much excitement from the girls, who saw it fall. Besides dodging the tree and the water-filled holes in the mud, we had to swerve around empty plastic plant pots (used for small shrubs and trees, I gather) as they blew across our path like tumble weed from the nearby nursery. It was as if I was in a video game.

And what was at the end of this dirt road? A "No Outlet" sign (without outlets, how do they get power?) and a "Keep Out" warning. So, I turned around and repeated the video game all over again.

Today is my first day off from work in nine days and the girls have a friend over. I was hoping to take them to the park or for a walk along the river, but it's too cold and snowy.

Back to work tomorrow (I hear the world's smallest violin playing!)

Thought: I need snow tires for my bike.


At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the joys of that special, magical Easter snow. It's down here in Ohio as well. Must be that global warming I hear so much about.
Happy Easter!


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