Oh, deer
For you Internet surfers, I'm sure you caught wind of this story out of the Grand Rapids area last week. It was all the rage around here and was lead item on MSNBC's Web site.
Seems a deer got its head stuck in a plastic trick-or-treat pumpkin, the kind you put candy in. All humanity seemed to be worried about this deer. People were trying to catch it to get the plastic sphere removed before the young buck died of starvation. The humane society and state wildlife folks were out with the tranquilizer guns, but they couldn't catch it.
The animal finally escaped its orange prison (the deer in the plastic mask?) after a heavy rain lubed it up and the animal slid it off.
Now, here's the stupidity of the entire incident. Tomorrow, thousands of people will take out their guns and start shooting anything that moves. It's deer season!
So, people spent all this time helping this deer, treating it with compassion and tenderness, so someone could shoot it by this Saturday and stick its head on their wall of their den.
The world is full of contradictions and this is an ugly one, indeed.
Thought: Hunting is not a sport. It's murder.
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