
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Under the weather

I've been a bit sick the last few days. I chalk it up to stress at work and lots of hours working. On Tuesday, I just had to sleep and missed a conference for my job. There will be hell to pay for this, but I couldn't get myself going physically or emotionally to that event. I needed a rest before I have my 16-17 hour days on Thursday and Friday.

Funny. No one blinks an eye about pulling me in to work on my days off, but if we were to hold a conference on a Saturday or Sunday, the howls of disapproval would be hard to ignore.

The weather here has finally become typical for January. With arctic air coming over Lake Michigan, we are getting socked with lake effect snow. We had about 17 inches of snow Tuesday. Now, this is what winter is supposed to be like.

Thought: I'm still too tired to think.


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