
Thoughts on bicycling, Beatles, media and misc.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Technology calling

My wife upgraded our cell phone service over the weekend. Same number, different hardware.

I'll admit at this point that I still hadn't figured out all the bells and whistles on the last phone. Or the one before that. Or even the land line we have. You see, I have pretty low expectations of phones. I just want a cell phone that receives calls, has a voice mail option for the calls I miss, and the ability for me to call people back.

That's it.

Now I have voice activated dialing, text messaging, Internet connections, camera, music, ring tones, display options and, if I look hard enough, I'm sure it has a bottle opener and a clock in the stock that tells time (thank you, Ralphie).

And I don't know how to use them. Well, I know how to use the clock in the stock that tells time -- but in seven diferent countries?

I'll eventually learn how to use the features. I'm no Ludite. I'm just a guy who wants simplicity, the strength of the uncarved block. You know. I like potatoes.

Thought: Mashed. Boiled. Baked. With butter. And cheese. Lots of cheese.


At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife got us fancy cell phones, too. I even turn mine on every week or so to check for messages - the only feature I learned. I resisted cell phones before - if I'm driving, I'm already busy doing something! And my boss will NEVER know that I have it.


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